The Geeky Childhood Tag

I’ve been indulging in a lot of nostalgia recently and when I saw this tag post on A Geeky Gal blog, I just had to participate. I would also highly recommend checking out A Geeky Gal if you enjoy blogs about everything geeky. OK, let’s take a trip into my childhood!

Where did your geek come from? Parents? Siblings? Destiny?

Until my brother and sister were slightly older, there wasn’t anyone in my family that was incredibly geeky. My parents supported my interests by buying video games and letting me watch Pokemon marathons on TV, but they weren’t really into of that stuff. I guess I just loved the geeky things.

The First Geeky Thing You Got Into.

Image source: Gaming Trend.

Like a lot of children in the 90’s, the first big geeky thing I was into was Pokemon. From the anime to the video games from the trading cards to the soft toys, I was obsessed with series. This did lead me into loving Digimon and other monster collecting things, however Pokemon was the one that started it all.

Favourite TV Show As A Kid.

Whilst I did watch a lot of Pokemon, Digimon and Sailor Moon, there was one TV show that I couldn’t get enough of as a child, X-Men: The Animated Series. This show was also my introduction to Marvel and comic books and is probably the reason why to this day, the X-Men are my favourite group of superheroes. One of the easiest ways to trigger nostalgic feelings for me, is to play that iconic intro music from X-Men: The Animated Series.

Image source: IMDB.

Favourite Movie As A Kid.

I was a really Disney fan from an early age. My all time favourite Disney film is Beauty and the Beast. To be honest, I love most of the early to mid 90’s Disney films, especially The Lion King and Hercules. Two exceptions would be Aladdin because I watched it too many times around my grandparents’ house and The Little Mermaid because Ursula used to terrify me as a kid. But I was totally OK with a guy being thrown off a castle tower…

Image source: Pooh’s Adventures Wiki.

Favourite Video Game As A Kid.

Where do I even start with this one? There was Sonic the Hedgehog on the Sega Megadrive, which was the first video game I ever played. There was Pokemon Yellow for the Game Boy Color, which is arguably the game I put the most hours into. Finally, there was Spyro: Year of the Dragon for the Playstation which I loved playing as well. I honestly can’t decide between the three, so take your pick!

Favourite Book As A Kid.

My all time favourite book from my childhood was The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobeby C. S. Lewis but I also loved the Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling, which helped me to fall in love with the fantasy genre- my favourite genre to this day.

Favourite Memory As A Kid.

I mentioned this in a previous post on this blog, but getting my Game Boy Color on Christmas Day will always be a memory I love. I honestly did not believe that my parents would be able to give me one, so opening that resent on Christmas Day was unbelievable. My Game Boy Color is one of my most treasured possessions, that still works to this day. I would say the day I received it was the start of me really getting into gaming.

A Character You Looked Up To As A Kid.

This is a hard one! I would say that Belle from Beauty and the Beast was always the Disney Princess that I looked up to the most. I also looked up to many of the X-Men characters, the idea of risking your own life to save people that hated you is a pretty strong and positive message. Finally, Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter series, she was a nerdy bookworm who I completely connected with.

A Character That Scared You As A Kid.

I guess I kind of answered this one already. Easy, its Ursula from The Little Mermaid. I mean who wasn’t scared of a giant purple squid lady that sounded like she smoked forty cigarettes a day?! She scared me so much that I couldn’t fully watch The Little Mermaid until I was in my teens. I am now completely over my fear. Honest.

Image source: Cinema Blend.

And that was The Geeky Childhood Tag! Let me know your responses to these topics in the comments below or link your blog post, so I can read your responses to. Also, please check out A Geeky Gal, its an incredible blog that you’ll enjoy if you love geeky things.

Talk to you guys soon!

5 thoughts on “The Geeky Childhood Tag

      1. Unless you’re interested in the pre-history of pop SF, I’d skip the original and start with Next Generation. If you just want to dip your toes in, there’s any number of lists out there of episodes to watch.

        I will always watch “The Inner Light” when it pops up.

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