Update: Sadists and Semetaries.

I wonder how many people this post title will annoy… (it will make sense later!)

Anyways, I have to be honest this probably hasn’t been one of my more productive weeks but with people off at work, my energy is having to be used on work stuff, instead of fun things. This situation is only going to get worse this week, with half the team I work with not at work, so I apologise if I late in responding to your comments or I’m talking gibberish. Enough of my complaining and onto what I’ve been doing!


What have I been reading?

I finished The Death of Dulgath by Michael J. Sullivan. Out of all the Riyria Revelations and Riyria Chronicles, The Death of Dulgath has jumped straight to the top, as my favourite in both series. The humour, the mystery around the Dulgath family and the political scheming are all incredibly written. Now I have to wait until December for the next book…

Now onto the Semetary part of the post title, which is inspired by the book I’m currently reading, Pet Semetary by Stephen King. It has been a few years since I first read this book and out of all the King books I”ve read so far, this one is a little disturbing. I guess it is that unsettling feeling that you know something bad is going to happen but you don’t know what. That fact that the true horror part of this book doesn’t happen until towards the end, makes this a tense read.


What have I been playing?

The people behind Final Fantasy XIV’s Yokai Watch event are monsters. Sadistic monsters. I now have all 13 minions, the Whisper mount and have managed, by some miracle, to get 3 of the 13 legendary weapons. For my fourth legendary weapon, I need 15 legendary medals, that drop at random when I complete FATE events. I’ll be honest, I don’t think I’m going to get all 13 legendary weapons, so at the moment, I am focusing on the weapons for the magic classes first. It still means I have 3 of these to collect before the 1st November. But at this point, I’m really, really determined.

I’ll admit that Final Fantasy XIVhas taken up a lot of my gaming time but I have squeezed a few hours in for other games. In Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age, I’m trying to get all my party member to at least level 30, I still have three characters to go to hit that target. I’ve played a little more of Watch_Dogs, which still hasn’t won me over but it hasn’t put me off completely, yet. Finally, I’ve played a bit of Total War: Warhammer and in the spirit of Hallowe’en, I playing the Grand Campaign as the Vampire Counts, which is a first for me.


What am I blogging about this week?

Carrying on my spooky October theme, I have a Recommended Reading post on Wednesday- a hint: its Stephen King related. On Friday, I will also have a First Impressions post about a show I’ve been watching on Netflix. Its not a new show but its new to me.


That was my week, I’d love to hear what you guys have been getting up to, so let me know in the comments!

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