30 Day Video Game Challenge: Day 23. Game World You Would Love To Explore For A Day.

Long time readers of this blog, will probably see this answer coming…

I’m going to cut right to the chase, the game would I would love to explore for a day would be Tamriel from The Elder Scrolls series.

Image source: The Elder Scrolls wiki.

As a fan of the fantasy genre, this setting instantly appeals to me, as amongst the many lands, you can encounter different races, magic and mystical treasure. The locations are also divers from deserts to tundra to jungle. The big question is one day going to be enough? Probably not, but then again, I’m sure a magical world like Tamriel, as some way to travel quickly through it…

And I know, Tamriel is a world full of danger, but then again, how much trouble can you get into in one day?

Now its over to you guys, which video game world would you like to explore for a day? Let me know in the comments and I’ll talk to you soon!

2 thoughts on “30 Day Video Game Challenge: Day 23. Game World You Would Love To Explore For A Day.

  1. Pingback: Update: Guess Who’s Dogsitting Again! – A Reluctant Hero

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